Hotel Europa

Abierto al público un enclave histórico, el búnker de El Capricho

By | 27 July, 2016 | 0 comments

Captura de pantalla 2016-07-27 a las 11.43.12

After being closed for more than 80 years, keeping an impressive witness to our history a secret, the doors of the bunker in the El Capricho park, which played a undisputed role in the Spanish Civil War, have reopened. After waiting several years following construction work, renovations and delays, the public is finally able to visit this well-kept secret that we were only able to access in the past through snapshots and photographs.

The well-known El Capricho park (Alameda de Osuna, Madrid), a park that is becoming increasingly more famous due to its important appearances in fashion shoots, is home to one of the bunkers that was used during the Spanish Civil War. The bunker was able to hold 200 people and was located 15 meters underground in order to provide cover for the Central Army Headquarters (in the same location) during the bombing attacks by Franco’s air force that took place during the siege against the city.

To be transported back to the year 1937, you only need to cross the bunker’s robust metal doors and feel what those people that needed to seek shelter from the incessant bombing attacks felt at the time. This is without a doubt impressive renovation work that was carried out for many years in order to be able to now enjoy, or perhaps it would be better to say experience, those difficult times through the immense, long and cold hallways of the General Miaja Bunker.

The seven rectangular rooms, four exits leading outside and the escape gallery that crosses the Palace of the Dukes of Osuna (which is located in the park itself) form part of this witness to our history. You can now visit this bunker in groups of 20 people without missing any details; it allows you to experience firsthand what it would be like to have to hide underground during a war. An unforgettable experience that helps us become more familiar with our city.

Captura de pantalla 2016-07-27 a las 11.44.21 

Categories: Guías Madrid

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