Hotel Europa

Últimos días de la exposición surrealista de Joan Miró en Madrid

By | 15 March, 2017 | 0 comments

Cuadro de Joan Miró

Since January 12 the Galería Elvira González has been hosting an exhibition dedicated exclusively to Joan Miró, perhaps the Spanish artist who best represents the surrealist style. If you are a devoted follower of the Catalan artist or you have a fondness for the surrealist movement, you are in luck because you still have a few days to enjoy the exhibition, specifically until March 25.

It is just occurring to you that you’ve had nearly 3 months to go see it and now you’re in a hurry because it is about to close. There is only one way to solve the problem: change your schedule so you can come to Madrid enjoy the Miró collection, the second show dedicated to the Catalan artist at the Galería Elvira González.

The exhibition consists of two paintings, ten sculptures from the 1970s and early 1980s, and five works on paper. It may seem like a small collection, however some of the artwork is being showed in public for the very first time. This changes everything doesn’t it?

Miró’s sculptures are so unique because with them he recreates an enigmatic world of theatrical figures, as can be seen in Gymnaste (1977), Jeune fille à létoile (1977), Danseuse (1981) and Le Chanteur dopéra (1977). To create these works, Miró imbued everyday objects such as chairs, clothes hangers and kitchen tools, with a new character.

The exhibition has been organized in conjunction with the Miró family and the Successió Miró and demonstrates Miró’s interest in using nature, everyday objects and tools and utensils as sources of poetic inspiration. Admission to the gallery is free and it is open from Monday to Friday from 10:30 a.m. until 7:30 p.m. and on Saturdays from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Image (CC) Rocor on Flickr “Group of Figures, 1938. Oil on canvas (1893-1983) LA County Museum of Art”

Categories: Ocio en Madrid

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