Hotel Europa

Price Circus for Christmas

By | 4 December, 2019 | 0 comments

Circo Price en Navidad 2019

This year, the Price Circus will star Don Búho, an owl who lives in a train station. The show will have a stage full of acrobats, tamers, jugglers, musicians and a fortune teller, among others. They all carry unique and mysterious suitcases, but none of them remembered to bring a Christmas tree. Here begins the most beautiful theatrical adventure to create a tree between everyone and to teach us the value of spending the holidays with our loved ones.

Produced by the Fiesta Escénica, an Argentine company with a high technical level, you won’t be able to miss this event that every year gathers more than 80 thousand people. This show will be full of magic and visual beauty fit for everyone. It is an event to take children to enjoy all kinds of pirouettes and dive into a world of fantasy worthy of the holidays.

The performances are from Tuesday to Sunday from November 29 to January 5. The theatre is one metro stop from our hotel, Lavapiés station, and tickets range between 15 and 30 euros. The timetables are variable, so it is best to consult the official website.

These holidays come spend an unforgettable Christmas in Madrid, we will be waiting for you!

Categories: Ocio en Madrid

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