Hotel Europa

Todas las estrellas a tu alcance en el Planetario de Madrid

By | 11 July, 2018 | 0 comments

Planetario de Madrid

You can contemplate the universe in which we are immersed, sculpted in the constellations with its wreaths of sparkling rocks and ethereal stars, in Madrid. Renew your fascination with the celestial bodies that have fascinated us since the dawn of humanity. When faced with this powerful spectacle, we’re like children who receive our nourishment from the light, giving life to our imagination and dreams.

The Madrid Planetarium

In 2017 the planetarium was remodeled and equipped with state-of-the-art technology to perfect the fabulous show put on by the celestial cupola. Now, not only can you see the stars, you also feel immersed in the universe.

The planetarium now has digital software that contains astronomical data that allows images to be created of the sky corresponding to any point on the planet or different points within space. You can also travel with us and contemplate the extrasolar planets that are currently being discovered. You can even explore areas far beyond the bounds of our solar system, taking you to the very edges of the universe as we know it today.

An optical planetarium functions in perfect harmony with the software, reflecting both stars and constellations with great accuracy and realism. It also has high-quality video projectors that are adapted to the spherical image required.

In the exposition areas located throughout the building, you can view the audiovisual presentations Imitando al cielo (Imitating the Sky) and Nuestro lugar en el universo (Our Place in the Universe), in addition to photographic exhibits.

The planetarium is open Tuesday through Friday from 5:00 PM to 7:45 PM and Saturdays, Sundays and holidays from 11 AM to 1:45 PM and from 5 PM to 8:45 PM. The cost of admission to the projection room is €3.60 for adults, and for children aged 14 and under and adults 65 and older, €1.65. Exhibits are free.

Come join us in Madrid to share this unique and inspiring experience.

Categories: Ocio en Madrid

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