Hotel Europa

El Warhol más icónico, en Madrid hasta mayo

By | 7 March, 2018 | 0 comments

Warhol en Madrid

Andy Warhol, considered the master and father of pop art, dared to use machines and new techniques, creating what is referred to as mechanical art. Until May 6, 2018, the CaixaForum Madrid is featuring more than 350 of the artist’s works in its exhibit, Andy Warhol. Mechanical art. This plastic artist and film producer is very well known and seeing his work exhibited is a unique opportunity for art lovers.

The exhibit: Mechanical art

The exhibit, created in collaboration with the Museo Picasso Málaga, is a journey throughout the life of Andy Warhol and, particularly, his artistic career.

Warhol experimented with various techniques and used of production patterns similar to those employed in assembly lines. His work resulted in different kinds of art in different styles, mediums and formats.

The artwork on display

This very special exhibit consists of 350 pieces of artwork, including sculptures, prints, paintings, drawings, movies, magazines, posters, art books, photographic material, as well as miscellaneous items and installations.

Some of the most important pieces contained in the collection are:

  • The famous portraits of Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe.
  • A painting commissioned by the well-known fashion house, Armani.
  • The renowned Campbell Soup cans.
  • The cover of a Miguel Bosé album is also one of the items on display.

Mechanical art also includes a series of portraits of artists taken by well-known photographers such as Robert Mapplethorpe and Alberto Schommer.

Come to Madrid and discover a bit more about the master of pop art. At this exhibit you can get a closer look at some of his most artistically and historically valuable work, the reflection of an era and his genuine talent.

Imagen (CC) Secretaría de Cultura Ciudad de México

Categories: Actividades, Exposiciones Madrid

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