Hotel Europa

El Corral de Comedias regresa a Madrid con una apetecible programación

By | 25 July, 2018 | 0 comments

Fiesta Corral Cervantes 2018

Have you heard of the Fiesta Corral Cervantes? It’s a well-known, fun, cultural event which takes place in the center of Madrid. It’s a modern interpretation of the corral de comedias, a type of open-air theater that dates back to the Spanish Golden Age. This event, which is put on in the renowned Cuesta de Moyana, is taking place over the summer months until August 26th. Its goal is to take back the streets as a stage for entertainment and culture.

The Corral Cervantes in Madrid

The big star this year is the Spanish Golden Age. Theatrical montages are scheduled and include both classical and contemporary texts that take their inspiration from that period. Audiences will enjoy children’s plays, cultural activities, concerts and improvisations about texts, as well as a wide range of workshops.

A schedule for the entire family

The agenda is very extensive and varied and the intention is to reach audiences of all ages. Plays such as Clásicas Envidiosas, A nadie se le dio veneno en risa, El Lazarillo de Tormes and Don Gil de Las Calzas Verdes are some of those you can enjoy in this new edition.

Likewise, there are also family-friendly options such as El Libro Andante, an ode to freedom and the pleasure of reading where you can imagine different worlds in a wonderful bubble where the figure of Don Quijote de la Mancha is a flag anyone can wave.

In terms of musicals, the following are worth highlighting: El Musical Barroco, El Insigne Cohete and Divina Mysteria, an approach to Western music of the 17th and 18th centuries that connects it to contemporary music.

Lastly, it is worth noting that along the Cuesta de Moyana there are various places to find a bite to eat, as well as local Madrid craftworks you can purchase as souvenirs.

Categories: Eventos Madrid

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